Wouldn’t it be amazing if losing weight was easier? Thanks to Lipo-Mino-Mix, it can be. This simple injectable treatment helps you burn fat and make the most out of your weight loss efforts. If you’re giving it your all at the gym and still not seeing the results you want, this treatment may be just what you need. Get in touch with Kirin here at Emerald Aesthetics to learn more.

What Is Lipo-Mino-Mix?
Lipo-Mino-Mix is a special lipotropic fat-burning formula. It features a combination of methionine, inositol, choline, carnitine, and B12. Each of these ingredients helps your body turn fat into energy. Lipo-Mino-Mix also features B vitamins which further help to facilitate fat loss and increase energy. The formula is then completed by adding ingredients to reduce appetite, build muscle and promote a healthy immune system; these include:
- Pyridoxine (B6)
- Methionine
- Inositol
- Choline
- Hydroxocobalamin
- Thiamine (B1)
- Riboflavin (B2)
- Carnitine
What Does Lipo-Mino-Mix Address?
It’s simple, Lipo-Mino-Mix helps you burn fat and convert it to energy. It also adds antioxidants and B vitamins to your body along with reducing your appetite, helping you build muscle, and promoting a healthy immune system. These benefits are a great complement to a healthy lifestyle and can improve your diet and exercise results.
What to Expect
The process is simple, Lipo-Mino-Mix can be injected weekly to help achieve your goals and then as needed after that. It doesn’t require downtime, so you can come by, get your injection, and then return to the rest of your day. Kirin can discuss any side effects and what you can expect during your initial consultation.
Lipo-Mino-Mix Injection Results
Typically, people feel this injection’s energy boost and reduced appetite effects almost immediately. However, a noticeable effect on weight loss and fat burning usually takes a few days (several weeks in some cases). How fast you see results will depend on your metabolism, age, health, and lifestyle.
Lipo-Mino-Mix Treatments in Gresham, Oregon
Losing weight is hard – we get it! With Lipo-Mino-Mix, the process is a lot easier. Kirin can discuss this injectable in-depth and help you figure out if it’s right for you during your initial consultation. So, get in touch today by requesting an appointment online or calling (503) 841-1816.