Sometimes a mid-day nap isn’t enough to recharge the batteries. Chronic fatigue can happen and persist when our bodies lack proper nutrition. The crazy thing is that this deficiency can happen even without us knowing it. The good news is that you can get your pep back – and all it takes is a simple set of injections. Vitamin B12 injections are a great option for enhancing energy, mood, and happiness. Get in touch with Kirin at our Emerald Aesthetics office to learn more.

What Causes Chronic Fatigue?
If you’re feeling tired and sleepy, it’s probably due to poor rest. Not eating well, having a hormonal imbalance, and/or having a chronic illness can also be involved in causing this problem. Trying to figure out what’s causing your tiredness can be hard, but restoring your energy can be as simple as administering a Vitamin B12 injection.
What Can We Do About Fatigue?
Not having enough Vitamin B12 in your system can cause low mood, weakness, and, yes, even fatigue. B12 injections can replenish your energy and help you feel like your old self again. Kirin can administer these injections here at Emerald Aesthetics and can offer repeated injections as needed. These injections take little time, and you won’t need downtime after your session.
What Can I Expect?
After the B12 injection, you can leave Emerald Aesthetics feeling more energetic and alert. The more injections you have, the better you’ll likely feel over time. That said, people react to these injections differently, and they are not definitive cures for chronic illnesses that may be causing your fatigue.
Find Treatments for Chronic Fatigue in Gresham, Oregon
If you’ve been feeling tired and are looking for a little pick-me-up, Vitamin B12 injections may be just what you need. These treatments act fast to give you the energy and alertness you need to tackle life’s challenges. To learn more and request your appointment, fill out the form below or contact Kirin at (503) 841-1816.