You deserve to feel beautiful in your own skin. Sadly, unwanted weight gain can often make us unhappy with our bodies. If you’re putting on extra pounds and aren’t sure where they’re coming from, it may be time to seek help. At Emerald Aesthetics, we offer Vitamin B12 injections to improve nutritional balance and facilitate weight loss. These injections are done by Kirin and don’t require downtime afterward. Get in touch here in Gresham, Oregon, to learn more.

What Causes Weight Gain?
A bad diet and lack of exercise are the primary factors involved. Your genetics can play a role too. If you have a family history of obesity, you will likely struggle with your weight as well. Fortunately, you can control certain lifestyle factors to lose weight altogether. With enough effort, just about everyone can have the body they desire.
What Can We Do About Unwanted Weight Gain?
Studies show that Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to excess fat storage, impair protein synthesis, and leave you too tired to exercise. All of these factors can contribute to weight gain. Vitamin B12 supplements are a good option to counteract these problems. The best B12 delivery method is an injection because it can be administered quickly and deliver the vital nutrients you need directly into your bloodstream.
What Can I Expect?
B12 injections take little time to administer – all you will feel is a simple needle prick, and you should be all set! These injections are handled by Kirin here at Emerald Aesthetics. After the treatment, you will feel more energized and happier. Along with this, you will notice a decrease in the rate of weight gain, and your weight will eventually stabilize.
Explore Weight Gain Reduction Options in Gresham, Oregon
Stop unwanted weight gain in its tracks with Vitamin B12 injections. These injections can stabilize your weight and help you feel happier about your body. Kirin performs these injections here at Emerald Aesthetics. To learn more and request your appointment, fill out the form below or contact Kirin at (503) 841-1816.